Hi Dirk,

Switching off Shopware plug-ins did help a bit. But we were able to undo all that 
after I added in the site<nr>.include:

php_admin_value open_basedir none

The wait time immediately went down from ~ 2000 ms to ~ 500 ms.
So Shopware apparently responds extremely poorly (under certain circumstances) 
to open_basedir.
Ah, Shopware. I forgot that this monstrosity still exists and how important a market share it has as it's basically one of the few shops that covers all the legal nonsense that German online retailers need to cope with.

So yeah, I can see the importance of that. Very well. Tomorrow I'll look into providing the option to selectively set "open_basedir" to "none" for selected Vsites and will publish updates that allow to do so.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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