I wonder if anyone can help with an issue that I have spent days on and cannot 

We have a customer with a 5209R server running on their LAN.
They have a DNS record for an external host address which points to the WAN 
interface on their firewall and is then NAT through to the BX box for 80 and 
443. All works fine.

I have set up a loopback / hairclip rule on their firewall so users can access 
the server from the LAN using the FQDN.

They also have a VLAN which uses a different subnet internally to the subnet 
that the server sits on.

If users come from the VLAN it works fine (so different internal subnet) using 
the FQDN.
If they come from the same subnet it fails – but if I SSH to the BX server 
(using FQDN) from the same subnet it works. So loopback is working.
So it appears to be Apache that is rejecting it if it loops back from the same 

The firewall logs show the BX server rejecting the ACK when looped back from 
the same LAN.

If they connect using internal IP on the same LAN it is fine – only fails on 
the loopback using FQDN.

Does this make sense? <grin>.

It is almost as if apache is seeing a spoof and rejecting it? Nothing in the 
HTTPD error_log.
Cleared iptables and not running APF …


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