I created that ssh config file and it gives a different error now:
ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to x.x.x.x   error in libcrypto

But, no worries. I will use the cmu option for now.

Thanks for your help in any case.

Ken Marcus
Precision Web Hosting, LLC

On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 9:20 PM Michael Stauber <mstau...@blueonyx.it>

> Hi Ken, hi Juerg,
> > Your solution of editing those two files worked beautifully!
> That's nice to hear. Good work, Juerg! I'll add this to the CMU of 5211R
> then.
> > (I would use the easymigrate but the ssh does not like to connect back
> > to a 5208R)
> I just checked and it's possible to connect from 5211R via SSH to a
> 5208R, if you create the file /root/.ssh/config and add this into it:
> HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
> PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
> That will also allow Easy-Migrate to work. When you're done with the
> migration, just remember to remove the file again.
> --
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
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