Hi Michael
Don't worry about the subdirs in the remote directory path, I already did
it in the way you proposed.
Regarding the notification sending, I noticed that after the easy-backup
finishes the log file is still in /home/.easy-backup/
(on all 4 5210R where Easy-Backup is currently installed).
Running a full backup from the CLI gives this at the end:

Error parsing time at
line 481, <GEN3> line 1703.

Can it be that this causes the mail issue and/or not deletion of the log
I think you still have alter-admin access to one of the servers, so feel
free to check if you have time or I happily open a new ticket.


On Mon, Sep 4, 2023 at 8:51 PM Michael Stauber via Blueonyx <
blueonyx@mail.blueonyx.it> wrote:

> Hi Janwillem,
> > So far Easy-Backup works very well (haven't tried a restore yet) but the
> > only issue I see is that the email notification are not working on any
> > server.
> > there is not even an attempt to email visible in /var/log/maillog
> > Am I missing something?
> No idea. So far the email notification in Easy-Backup has been rock
> solid for me, aside from some UTF-8 and Mime-Encoding related issues
> during development. Easy-Backup uses the same mechanism for sending
> emails as "Active Monitor" does (the MIME::Lite Perl-module), so this is
> fairly straightforward.
> If "Email Alerts" is set, an Email Address (or username) has been
> specified and the logfile /home/.easy-backup/easy-backup.log is present?
> Then the email will be sent. That logfile is deleted when Easy-Backup
> exits, so it will only be present while Easy-Backup does and export or
> import.
> > Ah and another feature request: would it be possible to add subdirs to
> > the remote directory (now it only allows myremotedir and I would
> > really love to have myremotedir/server01 etc
> I don't think I will add this anytime soon. Duplicity will not create
> the toplevel directory for these subdirectories (at least not on 5209R)
> and me having to check if it exists and then create it via the plentiful
> of protocols is way too much hassle.
> You can still backup various servers to the same account. Just use the
> server-name of the server you're backing up as target directory. And
> voila: Each server then backs up into his own directory.
> --
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
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