Hi Colin,

We have a strange SSL error with email that has just raised its head. Been fine for years but may have been an update?

We have a 5210R running postfix.

A Vsite on the server has a couple of web aliases (historical combining of servers).

The LE cert has all aliases and if using a web browser to access roundcube then it all works fine. Site is secure.

Many of our customers are still using one of the aliases in their email client server address and have done for years.

This weekend we started getting complaints of SSL errors when using email clients – the email client apparently returning the cert for the host server rather than the vsite when using one of the aliases.

This might be related to a YUM update that was published on Friday. While working on a client server I noticed that he had non-working SNI for several Vsites. The Vsites where it didn't work all had a single FQDN which they responded to. And the Handler/Constructor that parse the SSL certs to generate the SNI config files for Postfix and Dovecot so far only parse the "DNS:" line in the certificates, but not the "Subject:" line. So single FQDN certs resulted in a somewhat borked email SNI configuration. The update from Friday fixes that.

To address your issue do the following:

Run "yum clean all" and "yum update" to make sure you have all updates installed. Then restart CCEd for good measure:

/usr/sausalit/sbin/cced.init restart

If that doesn't fix it, try to renew the SSL certificate for the Vsite in question.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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