
Some thoughts and questions from my personal experience:

1) I am a bit concerned of the definition of project: It looks like TDF will foster several software projects, which is fine for me, but then (may be I am a bit biased by OOo structure), how do we manage NLC, L10n, Marketing and other "projects"? Does "software development" include all these activities?

2) I really appreciate *oxygenation*. Letting a chairman "ad aeternam" in place is a source of trouble and will let him build strong and unbreakable ties with the BoD, the employees and selected sectarian members of the Foundation (the "goodfellas"), aiming to preserve his status and position and offering whatever is needed to keep support on him.

A one or two year term with one further nominaton will ensure fresh air (sort of) to the TDF Chairmanship. The leaving chairman can be reconducted later, but only after another one took his place for at least xxx month.

Oxygenation also improves governance and transparency.

3) About disputes: It seems that the disputes will be settled "inside TDF" by the BoD, then the Chairman. Question: Is it advisable, for the sake of transparency, to let the members decide as the upper instance?

4) On conflict of interest, I personnaly prefer 20% figure instead of 30%.

5) Should any member of the Membership Committee (MC) have a "veto power"?

5a) Oh, by the way, what is the decision process of the MC with respect to the aplication? votes by simple majority, 2/3 members, 4/5?

6) How many members will take place in the MC and how are they appointed, for how long, how often they meet?

Are we going to allow memebers of the BoD, AB, and the Chariman to be in the MC?

7) "If a Member stops contributing, such that the merit criteria are no longer met, membership status will be revoked after a certain period of time.

Does it means that a founding member of the TDF will be revoked if he/she does not participate on a xxx period of time? Shall we give them a "honorary membership" (dangerous).


Em 29-11-2010 15:23, Charles-H. Schulz escreveu:
Hello everyone,

Here is the latest version of the bylaws:

Latest change include mostly amended details on the Chairperson, as
well as some more details on the BoD and a bit more clarity on
salaries, expenses, etc.

Since we've been discussing this for quite some time now, we would
welcome your comments on this list until this week-end. If no strong
veto is cast until then, we'll consider them to be adopted.

David, as usual, please feel free to review the language... thanks!

Olivier Hallot
Steering Commitee
The Document Foundation

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