*** Steering Committee Members & their deputies only ***

As we haven't reached a quorum last night we need to decide for
practical reasons on two specific questions. These questions relate to
the formation of the Membership Committee. By decision of the SC we
have appointed André Schnabel, Sophie Gautier and Fridrich Strba as the
three members of this Membership Council. 

But we need to regularly jumpstart the committee and the membership
formation process. We should thus vote on two specific points of order:

  1)  approve that people listed at
    http://www.documentfoundation.org/foundation/ are current members
    of TDF according to our ByLaws 
  2) approve Fridrich Strba as member of TDF 

We are going to vote here on this list and the vote will be open for
the next 24 hours. 

Two simple rules:
- vote yes or no for each question, by sending your mail to this list
  with 1) yes/no 2) yes/no

- deputies can vote if their corresponding SC member is not available. 


Charles-H. Schulz
Membre du Comité exécutif
The Document Foundation.

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