Hi Sophie, all,

sophie schrieb:
Hi Bernhard, all
On 17/05/2011 00:31, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
Hello SC members and deputies,

there has been a request to use a dedicated LibreOffice logo for a
local team at Venezuela, that has not been replied by now in a way
that I know what kind of logo is appreciated for such a group.
I thought I answered the list and you about that, sorry if I didn't.

Probably it was just my perception of not knowing exactly how to design a logo like they have requested...

Therefore I'd like to propose my position as starting point for a SC
discussion, leading to a decision we can base our work on and upload
to the wiki for future reference.

What I think is:

All officially supported dedicated team logos should consist of
- the main LibreOffice logo
- the team's name (and short name, if applicable)
- an area for a graphic especially designed for this team (team
related branding element)
Agreed and underlined that we are talking about team.

Of course - and only the official teams.

For consistency and branding reasons the main visual element should be
the LibreOffice logo and the other elements should be positioned in
the same area for all the teams. Such a template should be provided by
the Design team and can be based on any community members ideas.

A) Dedicated logos for officially supported LibreOffice teams (defined
by dedicated TDF resources like http://<team>.libreoffice.org website
or <team>@libreoffice.org mailing list) should contain the logo with
TDF subline.

B) Logos for LibreOffice conference are similar to A), even if the
conference team might not be given a website or mailing lists with the
names mentioned in A).

C) Logos for regional marketing teams should contain the line "......
Marketing Team", but as these teams are officially approved by TDF and
provided with <team>@marketing.libreoffice.org mailing lists, their
logo should contain the TDF subline too.

D) Individual community members (approved by the Membership Committee)
should be allowed to use a logo without TDF containing a subline
"Community member". This logo could be placed as button on their
external website or on a business card (following a design to be
provided among our branding resources). This logo is not allowed to be
used to behave like an official LibreOffice or TDF spokesperson or

E) Local teams based on individual community members or supporters not
being approved as community members by the MC should use a logo that
contains "Supporter of" or "<team name> for" (e.g. "Venezuelan user
group for LibreOffice"). These logos should respect the branding
guidelines (especially background color and whitespace area), but are
more free in their design. The design team will provide a template for
such logos too.
I would be less restrictive about this one. I think that non official
teams should be able to use whatever they want provided it's not using
official parts of our design.

I wasn't clear enough with my idea: Non official teams can use every piece of our branding material except the logo with TDF subline. They have to keep the usage guidelines in mind (especially the whitespace rules), but they can use whatever they want, if they don't break trademark issues.

My idea was to give them a template for their logos they could use if they wanted to, that covers all these aspects. With such a logo they would contribute to the consistent look-and-feel of LibreOffice too.

I'd like to create drafts for each of these logos during the next
days, but perhaps you can already understand what I mean:

Official TDF/LibreOffice teams should get an official logo to identify
them. Individuals, supporters and non-official teams can use the
LibreOffice logo based on the branding guidelines (and on the
trademark policy), but not as approval for any official status -
except the status as TDF community member.
ok, with the provision of my remark above.

If there are no other comments / objections: could you consider a decision on this topic for one of your next calls or here on the list?

Best regards


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