
as many of you know, we're right before filing the application for legally setting up the Foundation.

For the process of filing, it is highly advisable to have a lawyer assisting us and acting as official point of contact. Not only will some legal topics come up, but also being represented by a lawyer greatly helps in being perceived as serious entity by the authorities.

Among the lawyer's tasks there will be the communication with the authorities, acting on legal questions, and preparing the filing documents in a way they fit the legal requirements. Unfortunately, German law makes it very complicated for lawyers to act pro bono on these kinds of things (which is different to e.g. the US), so we plan to officially contract a lawyer to assist us.

In order to have legal advice for the process, which might take a few weeks, I'd like to ask the steering committee to approve a sum of 3.000,- € in total. This is the sum one of our preferred lawyers has mentioned to us, and given that several hours of work for professional services have to be invested, I consider that amount very well spent.

Depending on the lawyer and the services used, hourly rates of about 50-150 € are fairly normal in Germany, and I expect the process to take a few hours of time to be completed, especially given the "speciality" with the membership we have come up with.

Thoughts welcome.


Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/Identi.ca: @floeff

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