Sorry, I just want to add this small comment/question to my preceding
posts in this thread:

I have been searching around, and I have not been able to find an
official development roadmap of any kind. For sure, there's detailed
information about planned release dates going far into the future [1].

But I don't find any information about what changes are planned to the
general architecture of LibreOffice.

If our leading devs stopped coding on LibreOffice tomorrow, not only
would we not have any design documentation explaining how the beast is
architectured and how it works, but we wouldn't have any idea of what
kind of future plans they'd been working on implementing, and how far
they'd advanced in the process.

Does the engineering steering committee have any kind of formal
methodologies, and any kind of formal documents that it maintains?

Or is the future of LibreOffice simply stored in a myriad of post-its
on your computer monitors, and in your minds, and in a tenuous web of
discussion threads on the devs mailing list?

David Nelson

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