Florian Effenberger wrote:
> Jean Weber wrote on 2012-06-19 23:31:
> >I would think that the policy should say something like "only the cost
> >of low-cost economy airfare will be reimbursed; if travellers choose a
> >more expensive fare, they will be responsible for the difference in
> >cost" and similar for the cost of accommodation.
> it's indeed a problem of calculating that. Thorsten, are there any
> tax-limitations we need to consider, is this possible at all
> (independent from whether we want this or not)?
The limitations are that we're not supposed to pay 'benefits' to
members. Reasonable travel costs incurred by members on a trip on
behalf of TDF are of course reimbursable upon board approval.

The policy though states that "TDF will reimburse or pay the cost...
...of the lowest coach class fare" - which I read that TDF does not
insist on you actually booking coach.

Norbert's remark is of course valid - so it's best to agree on a sum
beforehand, instead of haggling over that after the fact.


Thorsten Behrens, Director, Deputy Chairman of the Board
The Document Foundation, Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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