
On 1/29/13 2:19 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:
> +1 from my side, of course as well
> Florian Effenberger wrote on 2013-01-28 12:43:
>> Hello,
>> the board has previously approved [1] 2.000 € for FOSDEM collaterals.
>> Because we would like to opt for higher quality t-shirts, plus produce
>> some stickers in addition, I'd like to ask the board to approve an
>> additional 600 € for collaterals.
>> Although the amount sounds rather high, we try to give away t-shirts at
>> FOSDEM for donations to get some return money, plus t-shirts not sold
>> will be taken to other trade shows.

Italo Vignoli - italo.vign...@gmail.com
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP 5316...@messagenet.it
skype italovignoli - gtalk italo.vign...@gmail.com

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