Hello Florian,

Le vendredi 10 mai 2013 à 18:41 +0200, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
> Hello,
> TDF is developing rapidly, so are the challenges we have to face, the 
> decisions we have to make, and the strategy we have to develop. In 
> addition, we intend to run the board elections this fall, approximately 
> shortly after LibOCon, to give the new board enough time to learn until 
> the official duty hand-over in February 2014.
> Given that several board members already proposed to meet dedicatedly 
> for strategy, I would like to propose hosting a
>         Board Strategy Meeting
> this summer. The intend is to have as many board members as possible - 
> ideally everyone - at the same physical location, dedicatedly talking 
> about strategy and future planning.
> There is a variety of topics on the table, and I think having a real 
> life meeting is much better than any sort of virtual meeting. Having 
> this meeting next to the LibreOffice Conference doesn't sound wise to 
> me, as we all know how busy these days usually are.
> Before I send out a Doodle from June to September, I'd like to hear your 
> availability options. ;-) It might make sense to host the event at a 
> central location, during a weekend, so many people can participate.
> Can all board members give me feedback on when is best (or when it 
> doesn't work out at all), so I can send out a Doodle poll soon?

Please do.Just be aware that, as for myself, I'm moving in a new
apartment, so I'll be unavailable around mid July - say from the 7th to
the 15th). I'll be very busy from the 9th to the 16th of June (work +
business travel). As for the month of August, I'll be on vacations from
the 12th to the 27th of August.



> Thanks,
> Florian
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