Dear members,

I'll be seeking another term in the upcoming BoD election.

I've been a volunteer in the project since its creation five years
ago. These days, aside from my duties on the Board, I mostly work on
Infra, particularly the tools and systems used by the developers (
gerrit, continuous integration, automated testing, ....). I also do
the Releases for the MacOSX platform and some coding, mostly low key
clean-up and other fairly easy hacking.

I am unaffiliated, that is, I do not work for a company doing business
on or around libreoffice, nor do I have any other  professional or
financial interest in any of TDF endeavors.

I intend to continue to further the policies consistent with my vision
of the role of the Board:

+ Foster an environment designed to help people willing to volunteer,
to do good and productive work.

+ Be financially conservative, with the long term financial
sustainability of TDF in mind.

+ Favor spending directed directly to support the community of
volunteer to have the tools needed to work, to be able to communicate
and interact with each other.

+ Favor project driven by volunteer committed to bring them to
fruition. In other work, helping those that are helping themselves.

Norbert ThiƩbaud aka shm_get

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