I see Charles asked some questions. Here are my responses (in-line).

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 5:38 PM, Charles-H. Schulz <
charles.sch...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:
> 1. Do you commit yourself to have enough time and the necessary
> technological tools in order to participate to the regularly scheduled
> board calls?


> 2. Do you commit yourself to follow up and work on (at least) the main
> items and actions you have volunteered to oversee or that have been
> attributed to you by the board?


> 3. What are your views on the foundation's budget? How should the money be
> spent, besides our fixed costs?

The budget should be delegated to Directors and staff to minimise the
rediscussion of decisions each time spending is required. TDF's income
should be spent primarily on tasks for which there are no volunteers but
which the Board and Trustees have identified as important to unlocking
future volunteer contribution. Current activities promoting technical
tendering and community engagement are good examples of worthwhile

> 4. Should we work towards broadening our pool of contributors, both
> technical and non-technical?

Yes, although we need to take care not to create intrinsic motivations that
conflict with the extrinsic motivations of contributors.

> 5. Should the Foundation -as an entity distinct from the LibreOffice
> project or the Document Liberation project- engage into growing its
> influence and promoting and defending Free Software and Digital Freedom? It
> is, after all, an integral part of its mission per its very Statutes. If
> yes, do you have ideas on what should be done about this?

Yes. TDF should continue to carefully grow its scope, as it did by adding
DLP. TDF must take care that its growing mission and influence relates to
documents, communications and the standards associated with them, rather
than branching out into unrelated evangelism.

> 6. How do you view your (potential) role as a member of the board of
> directors, given that this position does not give you any specific
> functional role inside the LibreOffice or Document Liberation projects?

I covered this in my candidate statement.

> 7. What is the biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What is
> its biggest opportunity?

TDF needs to remember its roots and purpose as it grows. It's important to
balance growth and stability, so that neither dominates to the detriment of
the other. TDF has great potential addressing the needs of the software
freedom communities regarding document-centric communication and
collaboration, and this is sorely needed because of the dominance of
proprietary solutions in the lives and minds of the world's computer users.

*Simon Phipps*  http://webmink.com
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