Hi Cor, all,

Am 31.10.2017 um 20:41 schrieb Cor Nouws:
> Hi Andreas,
> Andreas Mantke wrote on 31-10-17 19:54:
>> I don't think that a good organization/community need to put this into
>> rules/statutes, but should have it in their DNA.
> If you think about possibilities to help with that, you're really
> welcome to join/oversee the procedures from the MC in the current
> elections, which is at least one side of that.

it's not the best idea to ask a board deputy)( member to oversee the
elections of the board, is it?

And it was not my suggestion to do such things. My recommendation (and
this for the candidacy for both bodies) states that is not the best idea
to try to jump over the fence, because one of them has to have an eye on
the work of the other. But everyone has to think about this situation
himself and decide on himself.

Personal note: I myself would feel very comfortable if I would candidate
for the MC half a year after I left the BoD.

And to illustrate my personal view a bit more: We had already regional
elections and the old government was voted down. A lot of them stayed in
the parliament, but they will not be member of parliamentary
commissions, that debate about topics of their former position (it's no
written rule, but an agreement and everyone knows what to do).

Kind regards,
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