Hi Andi, *,

I think this might be a good occasion to ask our CoC volunteers for
help (in Cc) - some sort of moderation is perhaps possible?

My offer to get on the phone still stands; but it seems (from the
below) I'm also party to the problems, so perhaps best if taken to a
more neutral ground (CoC committee).

Best, Thorsten

Andreas Mantke wrote:
> Hello all,
> Am 05.11.18 um 23:50 schrieb Thorsten Behrens:
> > Hi Andi,
> > 
> > first off, I'm very sorry these things seem to have taken a turn for
> > the worse.
> > 
> that's most often the outcome of a 'special' way of communication.
> > I'm trying to move this part of the discussion now off the design
> > list, and onto board-discuss, as it seems to primarily deal with
> > interaction style, within & from the board. So Fup2 board-discuss
> > please.
> > 
> As I'm not member of the board since Februar this year anymore, I'm not
> aware of the communication within the board.
> > Beyond some details below, where I'd love to get to is getting over
> > personal gripes eventually (on all sides - happy to call you any time,
> > to hear what you'd expect here!); perhaps with a way to keep you
> > engaged with the community you've helped building, but at least with a
> > way for the project to keep the Plone sites running properly for the
> > while.
> > 
> I expect only the way of communication and behavior that I already
> described in my previous email.
> > Andreas Mantke wrote:
> >> There were no real internal discussions with the board about issues.
> >>
> > Not to put too fine a point on it - but we discussed the issues around
> > the queue of pending submissions e.g. in January & February this year,
> > on the infra/hostmaster list.
> > 
> > Also in 2016, a discussion not too different from the one here took
> > place inside the board, when looking for options to go beyond the
> > first version of the template & extension site.
> > 
> >> But afterwards I was kicked out by this thread. I'm not used to be
> >> pilloried for my work during my spare time. And maybe others too.
> >>
> > Please don't take this as pillorying you. If it came across like that
> > - apologies. In fact, without the original Plone sites, LibreOffice
> > wouldn't have had a templates & extension repo for a long time, and no
> > one disputes the relevance of that.
> > 
> It's not important how you think I should not feel, but it's only
> important how I feel because of the way of communication from member(s)
> of the board.
> The member communicated in public about the work I had done for about
> seven years, without take in account to discuss the situation or
> requests with me first (and get some additional information).
> This make it explicit for me, that I shouldn't be part of the discussion
> and it descredits my previous work publicly (thus pilloring).
> I see this as a line of communication infringements. Because of a
> mistake that I did with the administration of the Content Management
> System in 2012 I was pointed regularly onto this mistake for about three
> or four years. I felt impeached to communicate destructively some month
> ago, although I spent a lot of my spare time over the years to attend
> events on behalf of TDF/LibreOffice to spread the word about the project and 
> its pros.
> After some rethinking I had the impression it helped, if I narrowed my 
> engagement to
> the administration of the extensions and templates website. But then I
> got this thread on the design list.
> Thus I was disenchanted, that my work inside the project had a real
> value especially for the board.
> There were no real excuse for this communication style later. The
> response to my email three weeks after the thread included second part
> (the 'but message'), which were the real message (no real apologize,
> but another threat).
> Regards,
> Andreas
> -- 
> Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Mobiltelefon mit K-9 Mail gesendet.

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