hello TDF folks,
hello ODF Toolkit community,

i'm writing here as a Committer (fwiw) of the Apache ODF Toolkit (incubating) project.

it turns out the ASF has voted to rename the Apache ODF Toolkit (incubating) project to Apache ODF Toolkit (retired).



the ODF Toolkit project is important for the ODF ecosystem in general and for LibreOffice in particular, since it contains not only the ODFDOM Java library, but also the most accurate ODF Validator, which we use in the LibreOffice test suite to check the ODF export filter.

so i'll propose to migrate the ODF Toolkit to The Document Foundation.

this is my (probably incomplete) understanding of the various different parts of the project that need some action:

1. git: the repository of record is on GitHub, and will be changed to
   read-only by the ASF:


   the obvious options are:
   a) move the git repository to gerrit.libreoffice.org
   b) fork the GitHub project and continue hosting on GitHub

   In any case, we should have a redirect from the old incubator project
   to the new sources (perhaps a big red notice in README will be

2. the web site, in SVN (will also be changed to read-only):


   the SVN repo contains some MarkDown files that are converted to
   static HTML by some mysterious ASF-grown tool (Svante claims that
   Perl scripts that rewrite references and a custom CMS are involved
   somehow) that doesn't talk to anything other than the ASF SVN server
   and which nobody in the ODF Toolkit project understands.

   presumably there should be a way to preserve the (relatively small
   and simple) content of the repo to either Wiki markup, or something
   that some other MarkDown-to-HTML tool can understand; volunteers are
   certainly welcome to help with this.

   for a quick start it could also be an option to scrape the existing
   HTML from http://incubator.apache.org/odftoolkit/ and replace the
   internal URLs for consistency...

3. the domain "odftoolkit.org" - this currently redirects to

   this domain would need to be transferred from ASF to TDF before it

   (i don't know whether other domains related to ODF Toolkit exist;
   apparently "odftoolkit.com" was registered at some time but it's
   already expired/for sale)

4. mailing list: the "odf-...@incubator.apache.org" will be retired;
   probably the amount of traffic is going to be quite small, hence
   suggest to just use "libreoff...@freedesktop.org" for now; if the
   traffic increases and becomes a problem a dedicated list can be
   set up later.

5. currently the ASF JIRA is used as bug tracker, with project


   there are currently 137 issues that are neither RESOLVED nor CLOSED.

   so there are 2 decisions to be made here:

   a) do we want a new component in "bugs.documentfoundation.org"
      or use GitHub issues (only makes sense if GitHub is used for the
      repo, of course)

   b) should open issues be migrated? as long as they will be accessible
      read-only in ASF JIRA (and i don't see any reason why not), i
      don't see much value in it, since there aren't currently
      developers available with time to fix the issues; if anybody feels
      strongly about their issue they can re-create/copy it over

another point that we should probably discuss after the migration is finished is whether the so-called "Simple API" should be removed from ODFDOM due to being duplicative and unmaintained for years.


PS: thanks to Svante for proofreading this, if any errors remain it's my fault

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