Other Free Software projects have had for-profit entities created underneath 
the stewardship of a non-profit; Mozilla Corporation and Canonical are two 
living examples. Sacrifices to user empowerment are often made at Mozilla 
Corporation (e.g. Pocket integration, advertising partnerships to silently 
install code on browsers, etc. - The list grows longer by the month as new 
scandals appear). Canonical has made similar sacrifices (e.g. Ubuntu One 
proprietary service integration, cease-and-desists towards fixubuntu.com).

1. How would TDF intend to protect users against the inevitable temptations to prioritize 
money/brand over users/computing ethics? "We can always pull the plug" is not a 
compelling argument as that's only used for the direst of circumstances, not the slow 
poisoning of the well that Mozilla have experienced.

2. How will TDF assure communities that the creation of a for-profit entity to 
manage branding that the above examples will not occur?

3. What assurances does TDF offer that assuage fears that the lifeblood of 
LibreOffice will pivot from one of community involvement to one of company 
culture (with community involvement as a PR spin)?

Thank you for your time.

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