The 'free beer' argument starting to become annoying;-). I'm hearing lots of self-pitty. Nobody asks a company to contribute to the LibreOffice code (for free). Yes, it belongs to a model where you believe in. If you believe code be open source, while making profit, it's also your task to come up with a business model generating revenue. Not only with some vague outlines/sketches. Full blown business plan include marketing plan is needed. Say you're going the bank. And say he, I want to lend some money, say € 1.000.000 but € 2.00.000 would also be nice. I'm starting my own company selling support for LibreOffice. I'm professional engineer have a development team, and some experience in the business.

I assume you have to a lot more to get those 1.000.000 euro/pound/dollar. The will scrutinize your plan; being harsh unfair etc The want a business case, business plan, marketing plan (for example targeted  audience). A income prognosis etc. For what I have read here, there are only rudimentary sketches. I think it's possible, but it's not easy. Ubuntu isn't profit machine either.

Even in the luxury position you don't have to go to a bank, it's still needed! Except if you want to opt for lots and lots of costly experiences.

The world is hard and pretty unfair. Artists sold songs on CD with big labels.. Everything is on Youtube these day's. Revenue now is made by concerts etc. Papers still trying to find a proposition. Paywall/ ad-financed (ad blockers)/ being free (guardian). Wikipedia still screaming/begging/nagging for money. 2% of all users world wide donate! 2%!!

The commercial company's have to handle piracy.. Else the product sold free, but still used freely.


Op 15-7-2020 om 14:22 schreef Michael Weghorn:

I fully agree that it's unfortunate if migrations to LO (and FLOSS in
general) are/were done/encouraged only because it's "free as in free
beer", "no cost at all", which certainly isn't key to success for either
the enterprise nor the LibreOffice ecosystem.

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