On 14/07/2020 12:22, Sophi wrote:
> There is another item here, I know several orgs buying services from
> companies that are not good players with FLOSS communities. This is
> something in my view which is important to address

        Absolutely. So - the original plan here was not just just to do a
"Fedora vs. RHEL" style marketing separation of LibreOffice derived
products - but to ensure that the "LibreOffice Enterprise" side of this
- could only be used in products backed by a suitable number of a
combination of (say the average):

        * certified developers
        * contributing developers

        by providing a clear economic incentive and a distinct postioning we
can simultaneously highlight those who take but don't contribute, and
also provide a clear economic incentive for them to contribute.

> Finding ways to expend the ecosystem is vital too.

        Exactly - so of course, where there is an economic incentive,
investment and hence more developers, a wider ecosystem etc. follows
behind =)

        I believe Bjoern sketched a similar idea in his recent mail too =)

        Clearly - we need more time to elaborate & communicate how all of those
pieces could fit together to make something that drives TDF's mission
like a rocket ship =)



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