El 2020-07-17 15:05, Michael Meeks escribió:
On 17/07/2020 18:52, Daniel Armando Rodriguez wrote:
Well, misunderstanding of ideas can be avoided simply by communicating
in such a way that no aspect is taken for granted when making the
request for feedback.

I have no problem with tools to get polls / feedback from our userbase;
that's great =)

Of course, for decisions - we are a meritocracy^W doers-decide project; so having some separate means for the members to easily inform the board
/ discuss and/or give their input / views on things would also be
extremely valuable. Hopefully some clear separation would make
membership - and more importantly the contribution necessary to achieve
it more attractive to people too (perhaps).

        My 2 cents,

Well, the membership base is small enough (221 to date) to condition feedback to that group only.

Ideas can add up, grow and take shape with a wider audience. That is the spirit behind the initiative.


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