Thanks to the heroes who silently battled bureaucracy to settle this 

Having experienced similar contradictory VAT rules and advice in Germany, and 
not withstanding TDF's excellent local counsel, I would consider this as one 
good reason to incorporate any future legal TDF entities in countries with more 
straightfoward tax laws.


On 02/12/2020 17:36, Florian Effenberger wrote:
> Dear members, dear community,
> this e-mail is to inform you about the successful resolving of a VAT
> audit’s outcome, and a successful recovering of the losses incurred.
> We can only now make the details of this settlement public, as the
> negotitation phase was confidential for obvious reasons, and
> stretched out longer than we had anticipated.
> On the details:
> In autumn 2017, while talking to the Free Software Foundation Europe
> (FSFE), I’ve discovered an issue with the way we handled VAT
> payments. TDF as a not for profit is tax-exempt on company income
> tax, but has to pay VAT.
> Next to the nonprofit part, TDF also has a small business part. While
> previously, tax authorities put the focus on the nonprofit part,
> treating mixed entities as ours like end-users (“B2C”), the
> regulations have changed in the meantime, in a way that these have to
> be handled as businesses (“B2B”).
> The consequence of this is that cross-border transactions are subject
> of “reverse charge”. Our service providers so far had issued invoices
> with the respective local VAT, while actually a payment by us to the
> German tax office would have been correct.
> In other words: While we did pay the VAT, we paid it in the wrong
> country.
> Upon discovering the issue, we acted immediately and also notified
> the tax office. It turned out that the situation is not as easy to
> understand as it may appear in this summary, with various tax
> advisors asked returning different opinions, and some presumed
> contradicting tax rules issued in between.
> In 2018, the tax office then conducted a VAT audit for the previous
> year, resulting in several VAT positions that had to be paid in
> Germany by us, instead of being due in foreign countries by the
> respective service providers.
> We have always met our requirements in due course, correcting all
> previous years back to 2014, paying all the due VAT, interest and
> late payment fees.
> While in theory, as also assumed by the tax office, a VAT correction
> is possible, it turned out that the regulations within the European
> Union are very much different and only partially harmonized, if at
> all.
> In other words: The payment obligation with the German tax office was
> in force, independent of VAT being paid already, and no matter if a
> correction in the foreign countries was possible or not. While in
> theory, a “double taxation” is not allowed, that rule here was
> unfortunately not applicable.
> While some foreign tax offices refunded quickly to the respective
> service providers, who paid back to us, others were refusing a refund
> for one reason or the other, and others did not react at all.
> With TDF being active internationally, with connections to various
> countries, the process was a very tedious and time-consuming one,
> reviewing lots of invoices, approaching service providers and
> interacting with foreign tax offices. Several of us, including
> Thorsten, Lothar and myself, spent countless hours over the last
> three years on this.
> Several rounds of objections and discussions followed, until it
> became evident that a situation like this is not really foreseen in
> the system, and we had to pay VAT (again) on several invoices.
> With these damages on the table, negotiations with the tax advise
> liability insurance started, to remedy the damages caused.
> I’m very happy to report that in autumn 2020, we were compensated for
> the damages and other associated costs, totaling to a payment of
> 90.000 €, with which this case is settled. The alternative, going to
> court, spending further months or years, with possible expensive
> expert assessments on the various countries, would not have been a
> good use of time and money. In the end the TDF incurs almost no
> damage at all, so it would not have been worthwile.
> I’d like to especially thank our legal counsel, Michael (Mike)
> Schinagl, for guiding and advising us on this very complicated topic
> over the course of the last three years and on the excellent result
> he achieved – without him, this in the end positive outcome would not
> have been possible. Thanks truly also to Thorsten and Lothar for
> their support in this very time-consuming and energy draining matter.
> Thanks a lot to FSFE for helping with identifying this issue, to all
> the service providers involved for trying to solve this issue, and
> last but not least, thanks to our accountant for their support with
> the corrections and the correspondence to the tax office.
> I’m more than happy to have this topic finally closed and, in the
> sense of cooperating amongst FLOSS communities, while we surely
> cannot provide tax advise (you should always consult your own
> counsel!) and this might be a special case, I am more than happy to
> share the knowledge gained on this with other nonprofit
> organizations, to help them avoid making the same mistakes.
> Florian

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