
let me give some explanation before the individual votes in this cast: I cannot vote this in a whole block because out of my understanding of "frozen" so far, there have to be different answers for the various items in my opinion.


"Frozen" means to me: We are temporarily not able to deliver own source/binaries with an TDF branded LOOL solution, because we are not able to maintain the source with security patches in our own code repository and further more we cannot guarantee if or when a source contribution in our code base will be delivered in a binary/package, because we cannot build and deploy it because of the luck of security patches coding know how.

So for the moment contributors with every contribution to LOOL (code as well as non code) which is accepted in our own code base could become frustrated about bringing in something but getting it not (or not knowing when) into a binary version for use as a TDF branded LOOL. So for the time being in which we are not able to do that, we could hint to the source base of one of our valuable ecosystem partner and we should freeze for new contributions but maintain a playground (in which tool soever), where the source could be seen, where out of it for new future code contributors can be learned but the source be understood. From the moment on when we are able to maintain the source again under TDF delivery process ability and responsibility the freeze should be eased. 

With that it is clear, that I absolutely support the hint from Nicolas, that I am also hoping (but not just hoping) to have an TDF branded LOOL in the near future again. We should have that to full-fill the TDF own duties as well as to have a market demanded "independent" solution, certainly there could be differences/restrictions for the TDF one to the ecosystem partners one to reflect that professional deployments should use a version under professional supported conditions (which is far more than security patches).

But this will not happen by its own. In the meantime we should talk with the ecosystem partner who have moved for coming back as well as with potential new code contributors (not just for LOOL but with that focus, because we also need new code contributing volunteers/ecosystem partners for the core). And indeed, therefore the tendered development mentor is very important, because he/she will help newbies to become or grow in such a role and help also the ecosystem partners which are already here with the work (additional investments from others). But also for that role of a development mentor of TDF there should be a TDF controlled source base in the status we have frozen with a official temporarily "read only" mode.

***end of tl;dr***

Long read with short answers, that is why I vote as follows:  

Am 13.01.2021 um 16:28 schrieb Florian Effenberger:

as discussed in the previous board call, there are some pending decisions to be made wrt. the temporary LibreOffice Online freeze. Here's a set of VOTES (for the board) based on the previous discussions. You may vote on each item individually, or in bulk.

For DISCUSSIONS around this (for anyone), please open a separate DISCUSS thread.

1. Ask the marketing project to make a proposal to revamp the LibreOffice Online website (https://www.libreoffice.org/download/libreoffice-online/) to reflect the status quo

2. Ask the team to keep an eye on BugZilla, and freeze/make read-only the BugZilla component for LibreOffice Online, should that be necessary (to avoid new bugs being filed, but do not delete existing content)

3. Point the OpenGrok repository to the mirrored Collabora Online repository, for the time being, as long as the development is not happening at TDF

4. Adapt the Dashboard for the Online repository and freeze contributions in the state immediately preceding the fork

5. Ask the team to remove the Online section from the release notes in the wiki
-1 in the sense not removing it but also mark as frozen and perhaps with an explanation for that

Lothar K. Becker, Member of the Board of Directors
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