On 2021-03-23 17:46, Simon Phipps wrote:
I'll be more direct than Andreas in this matter. Given the FSF Board has
demonstrated[1] that it is aware that reappointing RMS would be regarded as
bad judgement by everyone at LibrePlanet, and given other organisations[2]
are choosing to disconnect FSF from their governance, TDF's Board should
also consider removal of FSF from their advisory board, at least
temporarily until it has achieved representative governance.

This was very effectively stated, and I'm hearted by the swift response by the community at large.

While Stallman's contributions in the past have been monumental for us all, his continued abuses of his status has seriously harmed the cause of free software.

I would be delighted for TDF/LibreOffice to sever ties with FSF America and instead solely rely on FSFe for advisement.

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