
Would propose one more requirement:

The solution has to work also in case of regular user without superuser 

Explanation: in usual cases desktop computers are used by regular users without 
superuser permissions. Autoupdater should work also in such cases in mentioned 
operating systems. In addition - the autoupdater should update the LibreOffice 
for all users and not currently logged in user only.
Thank you!
Edmund Laugasson

Aug 3, 2021 17:00:44 Mike Saunders <mike.saund...@documentfoundation.org>:

> Hello,
> Today we've published a tender to implement an autoupdater for LibreOffice:
> https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2021/08/03/tender-to-implement-autoupdater-202108-01/

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