hi Florian,

On 03.02.22 14:30, Florian Effenberger wrote:
Hello everyone,

the below mail is a bit older - Christmas break and some other tenders came in between, so I get to this only now.

Florian Effenberger wrote on 01.12.21 at 15:30:

The search result from item "Required 2." contains Meta-issues. Expanding them results in 80 issues.

Using Whiteboard as search criteria has no advantage compared to the Meta-issues. And I think both, Whitheboard search or Meta-issues, are not suitable for a tender, but a tender needs to list the issues explicitly.

The list from Whiteboard search and Meta-issues needs to be examined and prioritized manually.

This is taken from the specification at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Budget2021#Cleanup_.26_further_improve_ODF_conformance

I fear answering that question is beyond my skills. ;-) Does it make sense to bounce this question back to the ESC for further specification?

Regina (thanks a lot!) sent a list of bugs back in December on the dev mailing list: https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2021-December/088210.html

Was there any further discussion or feedback on this? If the list mentioned there is fine, I replace item 2 from the tender with it. If we're unsure whether that meets the budget or not, as the person days are listed in the tender, we can add a note along the lines of "Please propose a subset and prioritization of these bugs, that do not exceed the person days factored in for this tender, see below."

thanks for reminding me, due to too much vacation i forgot but now i just provided some feedback about some of the issues to Regina.

i haven't thought about how much time the selected issues would require yet, it's possible it might still be more than the budget which the BoD wants to spend, so i guess a fixed budget and then apply for a subset of the issues makes sense.

Michael Stahl wrote on 03.11.21 at 10:49:

the scope of this is quite large and unclear... *required* items are:

1. ODFAutoTests: addressing issues will be difficult because as Regina points out the web service appears to be offline.    IIRC it's possible to run the tests offline, but currently i guess nobody knows how much work it is to set that up and what problems would actually be found, so i guess this item mostly amounts to "get ODFAutoTests to run at all".

I've tried to rephrase #1 a bit, let me know if this is better.

Is the current wording fine?

i guess, as long as nobody interprets it to mean "set up a public website" :)

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