On 24/02/2022 15:56, Paolo Vecchi wrote:
On 24/02/2022 13:42, Michael Weghorn wrote:
Regarding app stores (p. 5), IIRC, Michael (Meeks) suggested to separate that topic from the current discussion, which I think makes sense. I think it would make sense to focus on identifying non-controversial areas that should be worked on (e.g. what's listed as "Focus areas" from page 6 on) and then see how internal developers could help there, but also leave room to discuss potential alternative solutions.


once they are settled and productive we should consider fulfilling our
mission for users
I think arguing that our mission requires us to do something or other in app-stores is controversial, particularly for a fee:

The proposal draft says:
> As determined in the past months TDF has in-house competences that
> would allow us to start publishing LibreOffice Community in the
> Windows and Apple app stores at a nominal price.

Even if it is the right thing to do - and I think strategically it is an important move to consider how the project gets income in this way I would not say that:

The topic isn't that controversial as it has been discussed at length in public and within the board.

discussing something at length normally is a good sign of it being somewhat controversial =)

Last I heard there was still a significant push from some to make all software free of price in every forum.

> Even if my preference is to have TDF running the app stores, so
> that we can reinvest not only in development but also in other
> projects that help the wider community,

I expect that all proposals here take into account the bigger picture of delivering improvements for LibreOffice; the differences being mostly over structure, control, jurisdiction etc.

> there are still 2 proposals for business entities that would do just
> that and the members of the ecosystem are perfectly fine with it.

So - I see no necessity to make the proposal more controversial than it needs to be, by pre-deciding that TDF should employ resources to be focused on this: which could be seen to prejudice this decision in line with your preference. I would recommend removing that piece.

Anyhow - otherwise, as I've said - modulo some deep concerns over decision making on how the new staff are deployed, and this unnecessary angle, I'm mildly supportive (for what it is worth).



michael.me...@collabora.com <><, GM Collabora Productivity
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