
Am 28.03.22 um 12:48 schrieb Florian Effenberger:
The Document Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting 2022-03-21
Meeting Minutes

Date: 2022-03-21
Location: Jitsi

Session chair: Thorsten Behrens
Keeper of the minutes: Stephan Ficht

In the meeting:
   Board Members - Cor Nouws, Jan Holešovský, Thorsten Behrens, Caolán
McNamara, Emiliano Vavassori, Paolo Vecchi, Laszlo Nemeth
   Board Deputy Members - Gabriel Masei, Gabor Kelemen
   Membership Committee Members -
   Membership Committee Substitute Members -
   Team - Sophie Gautier, Stephan Ficht, Florian Effenberger, Guilhem
   Community - "Fellow Jitster"

Representation: None

Public meeting ends at 17:13 UTC / 18:13 Berlin time.

Private part

3. Discuss & vote: budget for 2022 (Thorsten, all 40 mins)

because the discussion and decision was made in private, there is no
information given about the BoD members participated in this topic. But
I assume that the same members as in the public meeting take part in the
private meeting.

If this budget includes items for development, e.g. for development
tender and for in-house developer, there would be at least a CoI, if a
company / organization connected to one of the BoD members would bit for
a tender. Thus at least every company / organization connected to one of
the BoD members has to be excluded from TDF tender process.


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog: http://www.amantke.de/blog

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