Dear list,

it seems a number of appeals to get the discussion on this list to
become friendly and constructive again have failed.

Over the time, me and others have tried (in public and in private) to
nudge people to be considerate, and also to moderate discussions (in
the sense of balancing positions - if anyone's interested in my
private suggestions, there's no problem to share them. Though they're
quite boring references to the communication best practices).

I find the most recent escalation unbearable, and don't want to be
exposed to that sort of language, even less so in public. Others have
expressed similar sentiment.

Additionally the board has their hands full with tasks working for the
future of TDF. It would be great, if in our volunteer time, we would
be able to concentrate on positive topics.

The only practically effective solution I currently see, for that
problem, is to put this list on moderation. We all share a collective
duty to keep TDF & LibreOffice a friendly and fun place.


-- Thorsten

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