Dear members & Board of Directors of The Document Foundation,

I'm candidate in the next elections to the Membership Committee.

Who I am:
I'm Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco from Porto Alegre, Brazil. Husband, father,
systems analyst. I have been working in our Community since 2003 (in the
age of in many areas of the Brazilian project
(documentation, digital inclusion, marketing, extensions,...). I was
elected for the Membership Committee in 2016 and re-elected in 2018 and

Why I'm candidate to the MC again:
Inside the MC, I have been responsible for handling members applications
and renewals with the mcm-script, the core of MC. Since 2017, I submitted
more than 1000 renewals and applications on Gerrit for voting by the MC
members. Now, I'm running again to support the transition to the new MC
Tool, contributing with my both mcm-script and internal process

I also, as a MC member, have contributed, organized or participated in many
activities of the Ibero-American Community: certification sessions, BoD
candidates sessions, online community meetings; sometimes in Portuguese,
sometimes in Spanish or even in English. I'm proud to say that, in late
August, we will have the second edition of the LibreOffice Conference Latin
America, here in Brazil. I'm in the core team again, with a lot of
responsabilities. I think it wil be an amazing opportunity to improve and
explore our local community skills and I believe that contributing to reach
goals like these and spread this experience to another local communities
are part of the tasks of a MC member.

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Full name: Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco
Email address:
Affiliation: Independent (I work at the Federal Electoral Court in Brasil,
but my current position in MC is personal and independent and it will
remain personal and independent if I'm elected for another term).

I will provide information on all future changes as soon as possible.

My 75 words official candidacy statement:
I want to continue my collaborative work inside the MC as responsible for
handling applications and renewals with the mcm-script and, after,
supporting the transition to the new MC Tool with my experience. I'm also
engaged to representing our global and plural project, understanding
different scenarios and kinds of contributions of the members around the

Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco, member of the Membership Committee
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:
My local Time: UTC-03:00 / CET-04:00

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