Following a request made on this list, which I filter (so, I won't read messages which are sent just to this list), this is the email I have sent to the Board of Directors.


In Milan it has been mentioned several times the need of increasing the presence of the LibreOffice community at EU level, to get more information about legislative activities, increase our profile and leverage the potential opportunities. I would like to start a structured activity based on the following actions:

1. Attend OFE (Open Forum Europe) meetings, both virtual and in person, to establish or reinforce the relationships with the other stakeholders, and get involved in activities targeted to the EU (at large). In 2022 OFE has had two in person events (Brussels and Barcelona), and monthly online meetings.

2. Attend DIGIT and DG Connect events and workshops in Brussels, to reinforce the relationship with these structures, and make our voice heard on subjects such as FOSS, open standards and digital sovereignty.

3. Work with other stakeholders - FOSS related organizations such as OSBA and companies such a Murena, which have shown their commitment - at the creation and development of a lobbying activity in the common interest.

4. Of course, pursue other opportunities which are unforeseen at the moment (but could arise as an effect of the structured activities).

In term of budget, I forecast a yearly figure of € 6,000 maximum (based on 12 events during the year, which at the moment - missing a schedule - is a best guess).

I would manage the activities within my current relationship with TDF, and regularly report to the BoD on a regular basis in writing, and at least once per month in person during the BoD meeting to answer questions.

The first event to attend would be the DIGIT/DG Connect workshop in Brussels, scheduled on December 2 (expenses for this meeting, if approved, could be easily covered by 2022 marketing budget).

I therefore ask the BoD to approve/not to approve the activity ASAP, in order to organize the participation at the december workshop in due time.


Best regards.

Italo Vignoli
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829
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