Meeting ended Wed Jul  2 15:18:14 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)
Minutes (text):

#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync

Meeting started by bkp at 14:01:33 UTC. The full logs are available at .

Meeting summary
* Agenda and Roll Call  (bkp, 14:02:33)
  * infra update  (bkp, 14:02:33)
  * 3.4.z updates  (bkp, 14:02:33)
  * 3.5 status  (bkp, 14:02:33)
  * conferences and workshops  (bkp, 14:02:33)
  * other topics  (bkp, 14:02:34)

* infra update  (bkp, 14:03:03)
  * infra working on new jobs for the new projects and 3.5 branch  (bkp,
  * infra still working on phx machines  (bkp, 14:08:48)
  * infra started yamlizing more and more jobs (22 right now)  (bkp,

* 3.4.z updates  (bkp, 14:09:53)
  * Nothing to report for 3.4.z updates this week.  (bkp, 14:11:05)

* 3.5 status  (bkp, 14:11:30)
  * 3.5 status integration all relevant changes verified on fedora 19,
    and somewhat-older versions reviewed  (bkp, 14:18:10)
  * 3.5 status integration still awaiting verification on fedora 20
    (because some changes affect only it) hope to be finished by July 3
    (bkp, 14:18:18)
  * 3.5 status integration No new blockers from first 3.5 test day
    (bkp, 14:18:26)
  * 3.5 status network ovirt-node blocker still in progress, in POST.
    (bkp, 14:22:25)
  * 3.5 status network No new blockers found in 3.5 test day  (bkp,
  * 3.5 status network Amend: No new blockers found in 3.5 test day as
    of yet.  (bkp, 14:27:11)
  * 3.5 status virt Hyper_v support, patches in progress  (bkp,
  * 3.5 status virt virtio-rng ready, last piece merged this week  (bkp,
  * 3.5 status infra/storage several bugs reported on pkliczew's jsonrpc
    [Blocker]  (bkp, 14:44:16)
  * 3.5 status infra/storage there's a bug in setting auth_sasl in
    libvirtd.conf  (bkp, 14:44:24)
  * 3.5 status infra/storage two ioprcess  bugs (also reported by
    storage) [semi-blocker]  (bkp, 14:44:24)
  * 3.5 status infra/storage Several regressions around the Command
    context recent refactoring. It showed up in storage flows, but I
    wouldn't be surprised if it appears in others too (especially virt
    flowS) [Blocker]  (bkp, 14:44:24)
  * 3.5 status infra/storage Summary: Reconstruct master is broken.
    GetDeviceList is broken. Live Storage Migration is broken. All of
    these are due to infra work. They were reported and are being worked
    on, ETA unknown.  (bkp, 14:44:24)
  * 3.5 status node Nothing reported this week  (bkp, 14:48:53)
  * 3.5 status sla Many patches stuck on review, there are some bugs
    from test day, but nothing really serious  (bkp, 14:52:27)
  * 3.5 status sla basically SLA needs virt and infra to help review
    numa and cpu tune on the engine side  (bkp, 14:52:35)
  * 3.5 status vdsm Still aiming for blockers to be solved by next week
    (bkp, 14:58:13)
  * 3.5 status gluster Nothing to report this week.  (bkp, 14:59:55)
  * 3.5 status ux sorting infra: due to ongoing debates on the patches +
    maintainer's absence will be ready only by the end of this week, or
    early next week.  (bkp, 15:02:14)
  * 3.5 status ux PatternFly packaging: in good progress, will hopefully
    be ready by the end of this week or early next week.  (bkp,
  * 3.5 status ux Italian translation: still in progress. ETA: depends
    on the translator (current Italian translation completion status is
    ~25%).  (bkp, 15:02:15)

* conferences and workshops  (bkp, 15:03:30)
  * A number of oVirt team members have been accepted for Fossetcon in
    Orlando this September.  (bkp, 15:04:32)
  * There may be an opportunity to have a "Red Hat" track, where
    projects such as oVirt will get even more chances for presentation.
    Negotiation now.  (bkp, 15:04:32)
  * We *will* have a booth presence at USENIX LISA in November  (bkp,

* other topics  (bkp, 15:04:49)
  * ECS has delivered mediawiki formatted documentation in the form of
    an administrator's guide, a user's guide, and an installation guide.
    (bkp, 15:07:23)
  * bkp is working on converting from RHEL to oVirt, if anyone wants to
    help, let me know and I will send you the links to the draft
    documents  (bkp, 15:07:23)
  * bkp IRC availability will be sporadic this week due to power outage
    at his home. Email contact is best.  (bkp, 15:07:23)
  * ACTION: bkp Discover status/process of test day documentation  (bkp,

Meeting ended at 15:18:14 UTC.

Action Items
* bkp Discover status/process of test day documentation

Action Items, by person
* bkp
  * bkp Discover status/process of test day documentation
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* bkp (115)
* lvernia (28)
* amureini (23)
* danken (17)
* SvenKieske (8)
* msivak (6)
* mskrivanek (6)
* didi (5)
* tiraboschi (5)
* alonbl (3)
* dcaro (3)
* ecohen|mtg (2)
* ovirtbot (2)
* clarkee (1)
* Netbulae (1)
* gpadgett (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

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Brian Proffitt

oVirt Community Manager
Project Atomic Community Lead
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat -
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
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