#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync

Meeting started by bkp at 14:03:25 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-08-20-14.03.log.html .

Meeting summary
* Agenda and Roll Call  (bkp, 14:03:56)
  * infra update  (bkp, 14:04:32)
  * 3.4.z updates  (bkp, 14:04:33)
  * 3.5 status  (bkp, 14:04:33)
  * conferences and workshops  (bkp, 14:04:33)
  * other topics  (bkp, 14:04:33)

* infra update  (bkp, 14:05:16)
  * infra PHX setup has a working foreman-proxy running, starting to
    spawn vms and autoinstall directly from foreman.ovirt.org  (bkp,
  * infra jenkins and gerrit to be upgraded soon (hopefully this week)
    (bkp, 14:09:30)
  * infra New task created of migrating master-related vdsm jobs to
    f20/f21  (bkp, 14:09:30)

* 3.4.z updates  (bkp, 14:11:11)
  * 3.4.z updates 7 bugs still open, no blockers.  (bkp, 14:23:03)
  * 3.4.z updates RC targeted to 2014-09-09  (bkp, 14:23:03)
  * 3.4.z updates A nasty bug that prevents exporting (and probably a
    bunch of other operations) on vDisks that were imported to block
    storage from file storage -
    https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1130761  (bkp, 14:23:03)
  * 3.4.z updates Documentation will be added to 3.4.4 release notes, as
    well as 3.4.2 and 3.4.3, retroactively  (bkp, 14:23:03)

* 3.5 status  (bkp, 14:23:26)
  * 3.4.z updates An async build will be made for vdsm for 3.4.z  (bkp,
  * 3.5 status integration oVirt 3.5.0 RC2 not ready for 08-21-14
    release  (bkp, 14:37:09)
  * 3.5 status integration Six blockers outstanding, and two dependency
    bugs still open, so cannot qualify for RC  (bkp, 14:37:09)
  * 3.5 status infra BZ 1127877 Awaiting review from danken, with
    ybronhei at LinuxCon.  (bkp, 14:52:58)
  * 3.5 status infra BZ 1127877 Assistance to review
    http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/31400/2 and the rest of
    requested; These were +1d or had no comments  (bkp, 14:52:58)
  * 3.5 status sla BZ 1129261 waiting for the logs, going to append it
    there  (bkp, 15:00:27)
  * 3.5 status sla BZ 1130038 waiting for the logs, going to append it
    there  (bkp, 15:00:27)
  * 3.5 status storage Blockers covered earlier in meeting  (bkp,

* Conferences and Workshops  (bkp, 15:03:44)
  * Conferences and Workshops LinuxCon NA in progress. Three oVirt talks
    scheduled, lots of booth time for me. (Including now)  (bkp,

* Other Topics  (bkp, 15:04:00)

Meeting ended at 15:06:48 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* bkp (88)
* sbonazzo (38)
* danken (36)
* amureini (17)
* oved (16)
* alitke (13)
* msivak (6)
* dcaro (3)
* eedri (3)
* jmoskovc (2)
* moolit (2)
* ovirtbot (2)
* lvernia (1)
* awels (1)
* fromani (1)
* nsoffer (1)
* Rydekull (1)

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Brian Proffitt

oVirt Community Manager
Project Atomic Community Lead
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
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