Minutes:        http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-09-03-13.59.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-09-03-13.59.txt

#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync

Meeting started by doron at 13:59:08 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-09-03-13.59.log.html .

Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call  (doron, 13:59:09)
  * infra update  (doron, 13:59:11)
  * 3.4.z updates  (doron, 13:59:12)
  * 3.5 status  (doron, 13:59:14)
  * conferences and workshops  (doron, 13:59:15)
  * other topics  (doron, 13:59:17)

* infra update  (doron, 14:02:29)
  * ovirt infra updates: several jenkins slaves sopped due to HE issue,
    currently resolvd. Wiki chocked on storage, should be ok now.
    (doron, 14:05:44)

* 3.4.z updates  (doron, 14:05:53)
  * full 3.4.z update details in:
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync

Meeting started by doron at 13:59:08 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-09-03-13.59.log.html .

Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call  (doron, 13:59:09)
  * infra update  (doron, 13:59:11)
  * 3.4.z updates  (doron, 13:59:12)
  * 3.5 status  (doron, 13:59:14)
  * conferences and workshops  (doron, 13:59:15)
  * other topics  (doron, 13:59:17)

* infra update  (doron, 14:02:29)
  * ovirt infra updates: several jenkins slaves sopped due to HE issue,
    currently resolvd. Wiki chocked on storage, should be ok now.
    (doron, 14:05:44)

* 3.4.z updates  (doron, 14:05:53)
  * full 3.4.z update details in:
    (doron, 14:08:16)
  * 3.4.4 RC build planned for 9/9. Current plan for GA is 2014-09-23.
    No blockers.  (doron, 14:09:34)

* 3.5 status  (doron, 14:09:59)
  * full details on 3.5.0 RC2 available in:
    (doron, 14:11:11)
  * blockers:
    (doron, 14:12:12)
  * due to current blockers, build will be done on Monday 8/9. If all
    goes well Test day will be on Wednesday, 10/9.  (doron, 14:30:19)
  * ACTION: : doron and fabiand to handle node bugs. doron to handle sla
    bugs.  (doron, 14:32:48)
  * ACTION: : amureini_ to handle storage bugs (48 right now)  (doron,
  * ACTION: ybronhei bazulay please push forward infra bugs (23
    currently)  (doron, 14:33:42)
  * ACTION: mskrivanek please push forward virt bugs (23 currently)
    (doron, 14:34:03)

* conferences and workshops  (doron, 14:41:16)
  * Fossetcon "Enterprise Linux Day" next week is now a CentOS dojo.
    gshereme will still do a detailed tech overview of oVirt, using live
    USB sticks I am making now. There may even be a chance to expand
    oVirt-oriented content into the afternoon's hackathon.  (doron,
  * oVirt Workshop: bazulay is doing a great job on the program. The
    room for the oVirt Workshop will hold 70-100 people, depending on
    chair configuration.  (doron, 14:43:40)
  * passes available for ovirt dev's: Also, I have gotten word on the
    number of additional passes that are available for KVM Forum: 6. To
    make this easier on jzb, send requests for the passes to me by Sept.
    26. I will remind everyone as the date gets nearer.  (doron,
  * gshereme will have an ovirt related session in NCDevCon  (doron,

* other topics  (doron, 14:47:05)

Meeting ended at 14:49:36 UTC.

Action Items
* : doron and fabiand to handle node bugs. doron to handle sla bugs.
* : amureini_ to handle storage bugs (48 right now)
* ybronhei bazulay please push forward infra bugs (23 currently)
* mskrivanek please push forward virt bugs (23 currently)

Action Items, by person
* amureini_
  * : amureini_ to handle storage bugs (48 right now)
* bazulay
  * ybronhei bazulay please push forward infra bugs (23 currently)
* doron
  * : doron and fabiand to handle node bugs. doron to handle sla bugs.
* fabiand
  * : doron and fabiand to handle node bugs. doron to handle sla bugs.
* mskrivanek
  * mskrivanek please push forward virt bugs (23 currently)
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* doron (93)
* sbonazzo (17)
* bkp (11)
* dcaro (10)
* jhernand (9)
* moimael (6)
* awels (5)
* gshereme (4)
* misc (4)
* alitke (4)
* amureini_ (3)
* bazulay (3)
* lvernia (2)
* danken (2)
* Netbulae (2)
* fabiand (2)
* ovirtbot (2)
* YamakasY (1)
* mskrivanek (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
    (doron, 14:08:16)
  * 3.4.4 RC build planned for 9/9. Current plan for GA is 2014-09-23.
    No blockers.  (doron, 14:09:34)

* 3.5 status  (doron, 14:09:59)
  * full details on 3.5.0 RC2 available in:
    (doron, 14:11:11)
  * blockers:
    (doron, 14:12:12)
  * due to current blockers, build will be done on Monday 8/9. If all
    goes well Test day will be on Wednesday, 10/9.  (doron, 14:30:19)
  * ACTION: : doron and fabiand to handle node bugs. doron to handle sla
    bugs.  (doron, 14:32:48)
  * ACTION: : amureini_ to handle storage bugs (48 right now)  (doron,
  * ACTION: ybronhei bazulay please push forward infra bugs (23
    currently)  (doron, 14:33:42)
  * ACTION: mskrivanek please push forward virt bugs (23 currently)
    (doron, 14:34:03)

* conferences and workshops  (doron, 14:41:16)
  * Fossetcon "Enterprise Linux Day" next week is now a CentOS dojo.
    gshereme will still do a detailed tech overview of oVirt, using live
    USB sticks I am making now. There may even be a chance to expand
    oVirt-oriented content into the afternoon's hackathon.  (doron,
  * oVirt Workshop: bazulay is doing a great job on the program. The
    room for the oVirt Workshop will hold 70-100 people, depending on
    chair configuration.  (doron, 14:43:40)
  * passes available for ovirt dev's: Also, I have gotten word on the
    number of additional passes that are available for KVM Forum: 6. To
    make this easier on jzb, send requests for the passes to me by Sept.
    26. I will remind everyone as the date gets nearer.  (doron,
  * gshereme will have an ovirt related session in NCDevCon  (doron,

* other topics  (doron, 14:47:05)

Meeting ended at 14:49:36 UTC.

Action Items
* : doron and fabiand to handle node bugs. doron to handle sla bugs.
* : amureini_ to handle storage bugs (48 right now)
* ybronhei bazulay please push forward infra bugs (23 currently)
* mskrivanek please push forward virt bugs (23 currently)

Action Items, by person
* amureini_
  * : amureini_ to handle storage bugs (48 right now)
* bazulay
  * ybronhei bazulay please push forward infra bugs (23 currently)
* doron
  * : doron and fabiand to handle node bugs. doron to handle sla bugs.
* fabiand
  * : doron and fabiand to handle node bugs. doron to handle sla bugs.
* mskrivanek
  * mskrivanek please push forward virt bugs (23 currently)
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* doron (93)
* sbonazzo (17)
* bkp (11)
* dcaro (10)
* jhernand (9)
* moimael (6)
* awels (5)
* gshereme (4)
* misc (4)
* alitke (4)
* amureini_ (3)
* bazulay (3)
* lvernia (2)
* danken (2)
* Netbulae (2)
* fabiand (2)
* ovirtbot (2)
* YamakasY (1)
* mskrivanek (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
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