#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync

Meeting started by bkp at 15:01:14 UTC. The full logs are available at

Minutes (text): 
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-01-14-15.01.log.html

Meeting summary
* Agenda and Roll Call  (bkp, 15:01:25)
  * infra update  (bkp, 15:01:25)
  * 3.5.z updates  (bkp, 15:01:25)
  * 3.6.0 status  (bkp, 15:01:25)
  * conferences and workshops  (bkp, 15:01:25)
  * other topics  (bkp, 15:01:27)

* infra update  (bkp, 15:03:58)
  * infra update Nearing the point of being able to trigger new VMs per
    job in jenkins on the PHX lab  (bkp, 15:16:25)
  * infra update The novnc issue brought up last week will be solved by
    openstack  (bkp, 15:16:28)
  * infra update eedri will be a lightning talk on the ovirt gerrit
    hooks system and on using fabric for managing devops at fosdem
    https://fosdem.org/2015/schedule/event/gerrit_hooks/  (bkp,
  * infra update Still waiting for ack from dev on support on Fedora 21,
    so we can enable jobs to build and tests on it  (bkp, 15:16:35)
  * infra update Progress on building ovirt-node: Node team finally
    solved all problems related to EL6.6 support.  (bkp, 15:16:38)
  * infra update Node is also pleased to announce EL7.0 support. A build
    is still pending, but we hope to deliver this soon. Please watch the
    ML for the announcement  (bkp, 15:16:41)
  * infra update Creating rpms on master is broken due to gwt changes,
    vszocs has a patch for fixing it, waiting for a merge  (bkp,
  * infra update From CentOS Virt SIG meeting: We now have centos wiki
    write access, still pending access to CSB system  (bkp, 15:16:47)
  * infra update From CentOS Virt SIG meeting: SIG meeting minutes:
    (bkp, 15:16:50)

* 3.5.z updates  (bkp, 15:16:55)
  * LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5.1_Release_Notes   (sbonazzo,
  * 3.5.z updates 3.5.1 branch created and announced just a couple of
    minutes ago:
    (bkp, 15:24:36)
  * 3.5.z updates 3.5.1 build started in jenkins too:
    http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/manual-build-tarball/456/  (bkp,
  * 3.5.z updates If everything goes fine, on morning of Jan. 15, we'll
    compose 3.5.1 RC and test it for releasing in the afternoon.  (bkp,
  * 3.5.z updates There are 61 bugs targeted to 3.5.1. Excluding node
    and documentation bugs we have 41 bugs targeted to 3.5.1.  (bkp,
  * 3.5.z updates Full status here (though blocker bug info now moot):
    (bkp, 15:24:48)
  * ACTION: 3.5.z updates Update release notes for 3.5.1 if you haven't
    done so yet! http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5.1_Release_Notes  (bkp,

* 3.6 status  (bkp, 15:25:08)
  * LINK: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/36264   (sbonazzo, 15:27:56)
  * ACTION: 3.6.0 status Feature proposed for 3.6.0 must now be
    collected in the 3.6 Google doc (http://goo.gl/9X3G49) and reviewed
    by maintainers  (bkp, 15:41:45)
  * 3.6.0 status Finished the review process, the remaining key
    milestones for this release will be scheduled.  (bkp, 15:47:31)
    (bkp, 15:41:48)
  * 3.6.0 status There are 480 bugs targeted to 3.6.0. Excluding node
    and documentation bugs we have 454 bugs targeted to 3.6.0.  (bkp,
  * 3.6.0 status Bug count is increasing, as people are getting into the
    master and working on the integration features side.  (bkp,
  * 3.6.0 status Full status here:
    (bkp, 15:41:57)
  * 3.6.0 status Fedora 21 support is near to be completed on build
    side, just missing 2 patches here:
    http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/36799/ and
    http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/36240/  (bkp, 15:42:00)
  * 3.6.0 status Hosted engine glusterfs support (for existing glusterfs
    replica 3) is under review http://gerrit.ovirt.org/36264  (bkp,
  * 3.6.0 status Hosted engine with gluster provisioning is still in
    development  (bkp, 15:42:06)
  * 3.6.0 status Node is a bit behind planning 3.6, which should get
    more attention now that they are closing down 3.5  (bkp, 15:42:09)
  * 3.6.0 status Nightly build does not seem to include recent engine
    patches, this is due to engine master Jenkins jobs failing to build.
    vszocs is working on it.  (bkp, 15:42:12)
  * 3.6.0 status No testing on 3.6 features is possible at the moment
    due to nightly build failure on Jenkins, and the possibly still open
    issue of vdsm 4.17 not reporting that it supports 3.6 engine.  (bkp,
  * 3.6.0 status The VDSM issue seems resolved for engine 3.6 supporting
    vdsm 4.17, but there are questions on how to properly solve the
    reverse situation, so solution is pending.  (bkp, 15:42:19)

* conferences and workshops  (bkp, 15:42:25)
  * conferences and workshops FOSDEM prep proceeds. We will have 500
    flyers and 200 t-shirts printed for oVirt booth. These are new
    shirts, with a straight-up logo.  (bkp, 15:43:34)
  * conferences and workshops bkp has not finalized plans on FOSDEM
    meetup, but it *will* happen.  (bkp, 15:43:37)
  * conferences and workshops There will be a presentation on the CentOS
    Virt SIG held in the Virt DevRoom, and we will have have oVirt
    represented. https://fosdem.org/2015/schedule/event/immutable/
    (bkp, 15:43:40)
  * conferences and workshops The workshop for FOSSAsia in Singapore has
    been settled as a half-day session. We have one speaker coming in
    from China, bkp, and hopefully another local speaker. We could use
    one more to fill out the program, if someone in the community is
    interested.  (bkp, 15:43:44)
  * conferences and workshops amureini will be giving a talk at
    DevConfCZ in Feb, after FOSDEM  (bkp, 15:43:49)
  * conferences and workshops News and info about all FOSDEM sessions
    will be coming through on oVirt and Red Hat social media channels.
    Share, share, share!  (bkp, 15:44:29)
  * LINK: http://www.oss2015.org   (sbonazzo, 15:45:57)
  * conferences and workshops sbonazzo working to be at 11th Intl. Conf.
    on Open Source Systems http://www.oss2015.org  (bkp, 15:46:57)

* other topics  (bkp, 15:47:14)
  * other topics bkp has completed the 2014 metrics for oVirt and will
    be posting them soon. But as a preview, oVirt-engine was downloaded
    from the main Resources site 102,727 times in 2014. v3.4 led the
    pack with 51,195 downloads, followed by v3.3 with 39,273, and v3.2
    with 8,893.  (bkp, 15:47:22)
  * other topics bkp is still looking for user tasks to help round out
    the oVirt documentation. Please contact bkp if you have any input.
    (bkp, 15:47:27)
  * other topics bkp is also still looking for use cases for case
    studies. I have one lined up for Feb. (UDS Enterprise) but nothing
    beyond that.  (bkp, 15:47:30)

Meeting ended at 15:49:33 UTC.

Action Items
* 3.5.z updates Update release notes for 3.5.1 if you haven't done so
  yet! http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5.1_Release_Notes
* 3.6.0 status Feature proposed for 3.6.0 must now be collected in the
  3.6 Google doc (http://goo.gl/9X3G49) and reviewed by maintainers

Action Items, by person
  * 3.5.z updates Update release notes for 3.5.1 if you haven't done so
    yet! http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5.1_Release_Notes
  * 3.6.0 status Feature proposed for 3.6.0 must now be collected in the
    3.6 Google doc (http://goo.gl/9X3G49) and reviewed by maintainers

People Present (lines said)
* bkp (84)
* sbonazzo (47)
* lvernia (28)
* eedri (14)
* amureini (10)
* fabiand (6)
* vszocs (5)
* danken (3)
* ovirtbot (2)
* Zordrak (1)
* awels (1)
* alonbl (1)
* gchaplik (1)

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Sandro Bonazzola
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