I've never used one, but I've been in love with the look
of them since they first came out.
There was one for sale at the Charlotte hamfest last month,
I walked by it or looked at it from our near by flea market
table at least a dozen times those 2 days, but I was strong
and resisted the urge to buy it. 
It was the SX-190 like the subject of the OP, which is 
for shortwave b'cast, where as the AX-190 is for the amateur

A neat looking radio, that's just my .02 worth.


---- Bob Jackson <bob...@suddenlink.net> wrote: 
> Guys - I have no idea about the good/bad points of this rig. So, I went to 
> eHam.net for some info. There's only two "reviews" of this set there and both 
> speak very highly of it. One even compares it very favorably to the likes of 
> an SPR-4, and HR-500 and a Collins 75-S3. That's a bit hard for me to swallow 
> SO, I'm coming to you for the "straight skinny"! 
> Your opinions, please ...
> Bob AG5X
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Knee-deep in the cosmic overwhelm, I’m stricken
by the ricochet wonder of it all: the plain

everythingness of everything, in cahoots
with the everythingness of everything else.

73, RON w4ron 

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