
I currently belong to ARRL mainly so I have access to old QST articles on tube 

I belonged a long time back but became disenchanted with their inability to 
lobby Congress and/or the FCC to give Amateurs a fair shake regarding antennas 
in subdivisions with covenants and restrictions. If the FCC can allow FM, 
satellite TV, and cellular phone antennas, they sure should allow Amateurs at 
least a minimal option for an antenna in a subdivision.

It appears that now since ARRL has a female president, the current House and 
Senate bills MAY pass regarding our fair shake on antennas.

If ARRL pulls this off I might have more respect that they are indeed looking 
after our best interest.

Time will tell...



Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 29, 2015, at 10:29 PM, Wilson <info...@embarqmail.com> wrote:
> I think we should all belong to and support ARRL.
> Agree with everything or not, they are far and away our best lifeline and 
> guardian.
> Dropping out over an issue is petty.  They can't please everyone all the time!
> Pactor may have some EMCOMM use, but I consider its boater use a scourge and 
> antithetical to "real" ham operation.
> Routine use on boats (or anywhere) is contrary to all stated ham principles. 
> There's no techie involvement and no goodwill generation.
> The exam is a joke and everyone on the boat will likely use it, ham or not. 
> Just buy it, pay someone to install it, and use "our" spectrum.
> Sure, it can be another digi mode for hams, but pushing it out to consumers 
> is nuts.
> So let's get some cards and letters going to the right places.
> Wilson
> Also getting old
> -----Original Message----- From: Glen Zook via Boatanchors
> Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2015 9:14 PM
> To: bcarl...@cfl.rr.com
> Cc: boatanchors@puck.nether.net ; tetr...@googlegroups.com ; 
> novice-r...@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: Re: [Boatanchors] [Glowbugs] I agree
> The ARRL has been, seemingly, pushing for more WINLINK / PACTOR availability 
> for some time.  One speculation is that they hope to increase membership 
> through more boat, and yacht, owners getting licenses specifically for 
> operating using those modes because they do not want to have to pay for 
> Internet access using considerably more expensive commercial links.  Of 
> course, being able to afford, and to operate, such watercraft usually 
> requires a substantial investment and yet those same people don't want to 
> spend any money to be able to use the Internet while on the water.  Then, 
> again, amateur radio operators also have a reputation as to being "cheap" 
> and, I suppose, boat / yacht owners are no different where money is concerned!
> Although the ARRL does not normally make the actual number of members public, 
> if one takes a look at the mailing notice that has to be published, 
> periodically, that is in small print in the back of QST, it is pretty easy to 
> get a pretty good idea as to the number of members.
> For some time, the ARRL has "pushed" EMCOMM to get new members to replace 
> other members who have abandoned the ARRL and, it seems, that they are doing 
> the same thing with boat owners.
> I abandoned the ARRL some time back because they have long stopped supporting 
> what I believe the direction that amateur radio should take. Since I am not 
> an ARRL member, I do not comment on the internal workings of that 
> organization.  However, when the ARRL submits petitions to the FCC, or even 
> when they are proposing such, that affects the entire amateur radio 
> population then I definitely do have the right to comment!
> Several years ago, the ARRL submitted a request for an NPRM that expanded 
> WINLINK / PACTOR operations that they retracted after quite an uprising 
> within the membership.  It appears that they might be trying it again.
> I realize that thing are changing and have been changing for some time during 
> the over 56-years that I have been licensed and some of those changes have 
> been for the good of amateur radio and some have not been good for amateur 
> radio.  However, I definitely believe in doing everything possible to stop 
> changes that are definitely not in the best interests of the Amateur Radio 
> Service.
> Glen, K9STH
> Website: http://k9sth.net
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