Like most projects, we have had some issues with spammers.  I did the usual
things to stop the spam, which I believe is working well enough.  Realizing I
had over 70000 user accounts, but only about ~8000 of those legitimate, I
decided to run the delete_spammers.php script.  This was about 3 weeks ago.  Now
I have at least 1 user who claims his account disappeared.  Also, according to
BOINCstats, the total credits dropped on the day I ran delete_spammers.  The
question is how is that possible when delete_spammers is only supposed to delete
those accounts with no hosts (i.e. no credit)?


I looked at my command history and found the exact commands I used.  Note that
the first time I ran delete_spammers I had the options out of order.  Here are
the commands:

1st Time:   php delete_spammers.php --user_url --days 60

2nd Time:  php delete_spammers.php --days 60 --user_url


Looking at the code, I believe putting --user_url first only means it ignores
the days option, so it checked every user, regardless of create time.


Here are some forum threads for any who are interested:



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