I've been dragging my feet about a potential BOINC workshop because my funding 
is uncertain, and it's not sure that I can go.
However, it might be good to have a workshop even if I can't attend; there's always Skype.

So far there have been generous offers to host the workshop at
- Zaragoza
- Trento, Italy
- Geneva (CERN)
- Paris

I'd like any of these; I'd lean toward Paris because it's cheaper to get to,
and Marius Millea is there, whose work with Docker is important to all of us.

As for dates, I propose either

12-13 June (mon/tues) or
19-20 June (mon/tues).
(I'd stay for the rest of the week, and would welcome those who want to talk and/or hack).


So..... if you're potentially interested in attending a BOINC workshop, please let me know ASAP
- what location you prefer
- what date you prefer (or if you have a conflict with both, suggest other 

... and I'll tabulate the results and make a decision so that we can all start 

Thanks -- David
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