Kevin, sorry for not getting back to you earlier on this. Let me share
with you how I would recommend solving this problem.

1) Avoid any changes to the core functions. That means you will have
to remake the change every time theres an upgrade. This should be a
hard and fast rule--never change anything there. There's virtually
always a way to work around what you want.

2) I'm not opposed to adding a new feature to the core, if you think
there is merit in it. It's only a couple extra lines. Generally,
though, I think something like this would do better as a plugin, as it
is probably not a common need.

3) I think the easiest solution would be to use toolmapping to create
a custom function. You can do this with any function, command, or
condition. In your config.php file try this:

$BOLTtoolmap['x']['login'] = 'mylogin';
$BOLTtoolmap['x']['register'] = 'myregister';

This means map any calls to the login command (x) should go to
function mylogin instead.  Use f for function and c for condition.

Next copy the login and register commands from the commands.php script
to your config file, and rename them mylogin, myregister. And make any
changes to the code that you wish. In this case, changing crypt to md5
in all appropriate places.

4) You're finished!  All your usual login features in BoltWire now get
rerouted to your custom functions and you can do upgrades at any time
you like, without losing functionality. Of course, if there was an
improvement to the core login/register functions, your custom
functions would not contain those improvements unless you updated them
to be based on the newer code. For example, in the last release or two
I added a small bit of new functionality to how the register function
handles emails. Of course, those are usually noted in the changelog...

I would probably not use commands code/encode/decode as they are used
by some other plugins, and might have better uses down the road. But
if your system is working, that's what counts.  I do see you are
catching on quick to how BoltWire works.


On a related note, DrunkenMonk gave a nice snippet of code you could
probably use to get a more universal login. I think that would be a
nice feature. To get an outside function to save data to a page in
BoltWire (such as a login page), you might want to look at the
savedata functon in engine.php. Remember they are all alphabetized.
You would have to hardcode a few variables/paths, and work around the
few BoltWire functions in it (like exists, loadpage and savepage, but
none of these should present too much trouble. So you could probably
salvage some of the code to make a quick external script.


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