Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. I was out of town most of
last week with no internet access. But it looks like you are making some
great progress. I'm excited!

As for your questions:

1) Here's the doc info on the MarkUp function in BoltWire's library
function, on how to modify the markup table:

TO CHANGE A MARKUP RULE: MarkUp('order', 'rule', '/pattern/', 'output');
TO INSERT MARKUP SET RULE TO 'newrule < oldrule'.

So to disable the blockquote rules, try putting this in your plugin:

MarkUp('symbols', 'indent1', '');
MarkUp('symbols', 'indent2', '');

2) Can you just escape the processed content you return from the
myBOLTgetzone function? Something like this:

return BOLTescape($content);

That should prevent any processing...

As for resettting the entire Markup Table you could try putting this in a

global $MarkUpTable;
$MarkUpTable = array();

3) Yes, you should be able to define data vars using this format:

$BOLTvar['#'][$page][":$f"] = $v;

So if you can trigger a page to get its vars processed and defined, they
should be available as normal data vars thereafter through the rest of the
page rendering.

4) Very good idea. Once you have it functional, I'll take a peek at the
code and see if we can streamline the installation process--perhaps getting
it down to just one plugin file plus a definable parser. This could be
really cool!!!


On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 9:17 AM 'jacmgr' via BoltWire <> wrote:

> Dan,
> I worked something out for latest BW, but it is hackish and not ready for
> prime time.  It does work and you can see it here (but i don't have the
> download up there and the "how I did it docs are not updated for for
> BW5.X.  So don;t take the documentation as serious, it just demonstrates
> that I have a flavor of markdown working.  Once I work out some more kinks
> I will post code.
> Note that I am using a mygetzone function, a myloadpage function, and a
> toolmap to change the include function to my own include function. In those
> files, I essentially just check if it is a markdown page, pass it through
> an existing php markdown processor and then return the processed outpout to
> regular boltwire.
> What I need to know if possible:
> 1) How can I from within my plugin function, turn off a specific BW
> Markup.  In particular the markup for BW "blockquotes".  After I load a
> markdown page, I don't want that markup line processed.  I don't want to
> change the file markups.php.  I just want to turn off or add a few markups
> on the fly so to speak just after the page is loaded.
> 2) How can I turn off ALL BW markups, so that when the
> domarkup/domarkuptable happens inside boltwire, essentially nothing will
> happen?
> 3) The markdown page does  not have BW style data variables.  It does
> however have a section of its own data variables.  When I load that
> markdown file, I can get those markdown page variables into an array.  Can
> you suggest a way to get those into BW data variables.  I assume that there
> is some function I can use, that I can substitute my own for?
> 4) Note that if I get it working reliable, should be able to use any
> parser I want by just swapping out a parser function and leaving everything
> else. the same.
> Thankx

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