> On the other hand, this is what the application asked us to do, so bk
should fulfill its commitment.

The key point here is client replaced the slow bookie with a brand new
bookie but not adding any entry to the new bookie for those ack'ed entries.
it already doesn't fulfill the commitment, so why do we need to this step,
which would introduce one metadata update. for some systems, it would be a
headache if there are lots of ledgers on a slow bookie.

Even worse, for a slow bookie, it might actually store that entry but just
respond slowly. so the entry is eventually stored at that bookie
contributing to the write quorum. But client replaced it with a brand new
bookie without adding any entries, which reduce the number of replicas of
that entry and increment the work of auto-replication, doesn't it?

from my perspective, if we could reduce an unnecessary metadata access for
a ledger, we could save a lot of traffic to metadata storage for those
applications using huge number of ledgers. Especially it would be worse if
the metadata store is not optimized for writes.


On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 10:19 PM, Flavio Junqueira <f...@yahoo-inc.com>wrote:

> In my understanding, the semantics we provide is closer to your option b),
> but not quite the way you put it. The contract is that upon an
> acknowledgement to a request to add an entry, we guarantee that we have at
> least ackQuorumSize copies stored in bookies. We send copies to more
> bookies (writeQuorumSize) to avoid slow bookies as you say.
> It is correct that if there aren't enough bookies we will throw an
> exception, and you imply that it is perhaps unnecessary, since the contract
> is not to store on writeQuorumSize bookies anyway. On the other hand, this
> is what the application asked us to do, so bk should fulfill its
> commitment. In the case there aren't enough bookies and the application
> gets an exception, it closes the ledger and create a new one with fewer
> bookies.
> -Flavio
> On Dec 12, 2012, at 6:47 AM, Sijie Guo wrote:
> > Hello guys,
> >
> > AckSet is introduced recently to resolve slow bookie issue. But the
> semantic of 'writeQuorumSize' is not so clearly. What kind of goal we
> should achieve for 'writeQuorumSize':
> >
> > a) an entry is written to all 'writeQuorumSize' bookies eventually
> > b) just guarantee issuing 'writeQuorumSize' bookies and at least
> 'ackQuorumSize' bookies acked. other bookies we don't care about it.
> >
> > semantic a):
> >
> > if we want a), currently it doesn't work. for example, writing ensemble
> (A, B, C, D), writeQuorumSize is 3, ackQuorumSize is 2 and C is a slow
> bookie.
> >
> > 1. client adding entries 0. and entry 0 is acked.
> > 2. at time T, C is timeout (due to it is slow of failed). so the adding
> entry 0  at C would failed with BookieHandleNotAvailable. It would try to
> pickup a new bookie and unsetSuccessAndSentWriteRequest to new bookie. But
> nothing would be executed since pendingAddOps queue is empty. so nothing
> would be added in the new bookie.
> >
> >     private void unsetSuccessAndSendWriteRequest(final int bookieIndex) {
> >         for (PendingAddOp pendingAddOp : pendingAddOps) {
> >             pendingAddOp.unsetSuccessAndSendWriteRequest(bookieIndex);
> >         }
> >     }
> >
> > If we want to achieve semantic a), it would be difficult to handle
> client failure case.
> >
> > semantic b):
> >
> > if we just want achieve b), so do we need to pickup a new bookie replace
> the slow bookie? Also even a new bookie is replaced, no entry would be
> added again to it, since pendingAddOps is empty.
> >
> > I raised this question, is because if we pickup a new bookie replace the
> slow bookie, it might cause closing ledger due to
> NotEnoughBookiesException. It is easy to produce the case using existing
> test case. Please see the attached file.
> >
> > if we allow b), so maybe we don't need handleBookieFailure when a late
> response arrived at the client after its entry has been acked.
> >
> > -Sijie

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