I'm sorry about the late notice, but I need to submit the project report today. This is the last report we've sent and I was wondering if we can just update it, since we haven't had significant changes:
Bookkeeper is a distributed, reliable, and high performance logging service. The project also includes Hedwig which is a highly scalable Pub/Sub service built on top of ZooKeeper and Bookkeeper with strong durability guarantees. We released Bookkeeper 4.2.2 on the 10th October 2013. This was a bugfix release, but also exposed some new administrative functions for dealing with ledgers. We continue to work towards 4.3.0. The final scope of the release has been decided on. It will include improved bookie on-disk performance, a new statistics collection framework and SSL support, among other things. We hope to release 4.3.0 in Q1 of 2014. Infrastructure issues: No issues. Community: 52 subscribers to bookkeeper-dev 67 subscribers to bookkeeper-user 701 issues opened to date, 29 since Sept 1, 2013 465 issues resolved to date, 36 since Sept 1, 2013 7 reports of Jira issues since Sept 1, 2013 7 patch contributors since Sept 1, 2013