David Wolfe wrote:
x86 on what platform? I was planning to build x86 binaries for Mac OS
10.4 and 10.5. We might be able to prod someone into building x86
Windows binaries. Any takers?

I'll take a stab at this if someone can help me get started.  Should I

 svn co http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/trunk  boost-trunk

For this package-building exercise all the relevant stuff is at


since the release branch is open, my git is synced up with svn.

to get the code?  Troy mentioned a 'patch branch', so I'm wondering if
I'm supposed to do something like this instead:

  git clone git://sodium.resophonic.com/boost_patches boost-cmake

I tried this, and it seemed to download a ton of stuff, but then it

Initialized empty Git repository in c:/opt/boost-cmake/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 389135, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (116801/116801), done.
remote: Total 389135 (delta 274306), reused 384231 (delta 269494)
Receiving objects: 100% (389135/389135), 125.16 MiB | 253 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (274306/274306), done.
warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.

Um, okay... I know mercurial pretty well, but this is the first time
I've ever tried git, so somebody please tell me if I'm totally barking
up the wrong tree.

Basically, I'm wondering how to avoid having to redo fixes that people
have already submitted patches for (e.g., setting the minor version
number correctly in the top-level CMakeLists.txt file).  Is there some
process in place for this? Should I just hack the trunk and submit any
patches against it?  And who should I send said patches to?

We're working on branches/release, so hack that, if anything.
Again, for this you don't need to git anything from me.

My patches against 1.39 are not in svn. If we do a 1.39.1 release you won't need to 'git' them. The diffs are on the webserver, look here:


And you'll see the four commits, which you can apply to your unpacked distribution. There are also tarball/zipfile download links in there.

I've been keeping git notes, I'll see about putting up some more detailed 'how to git boost' docs. Apologies that this has been unproductive so far.


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