I'm keen on using boost-log (boost-log.sf.net) and want to begin using it, but 
it uses bjam to bootstrap its build environment.  I can build it by hand (cd 
tools/jam/src; ./build.sh), but bleh.  Is there any reason the cmake version 
doesn't build bjam or have a variant to support it?  I cruised through the docs 
and didn't see anything (grep(1) failed to find anything in the usual places).  
Don't get me wrong, I'm not keen on bjam and conversely it's not the end of the 
world to build bjam by hand, but it'd be nice to have one fewer barrier to 
entry to use other boost libraries that haven't been officially 
adopted/integrated by cmake.

Along the same lines, what's involved in integrating boost-log in to 
boost-cmake?  If I ported boost-log over to cmake and conditionalized its 
building for if the appropriate "log" directories are set, would such patches 
be welcome?  At present, boost-log is under review (finally).  The thought in 
terms of the end result would be something like: tar -xjpf 
boost-cmake-1.41.0.tar.bz2; unzip boost-log.zip; mv boost-log/... 
boost-cmake-1.41.0...; and cmake would automatically detect whether or not the 
library was present or not based on its existence.


PS  After revisiting bjam to get boost-log working, my feelings towards bjam 
are much more closely aligned with the statement "writhing hatred."

Sean Chittenden

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