

I'm looking at a source forge project with the following required libraries:

1) Boost version 1.39 or later

2) TBB (Threading Building Blocks) version 2.1 or later

3) MSM (Meta State Machine) version 1.2 or later

4) Boost Logging Library v2


#3 appears to be in the boost sandbox 


Does boost sandbox still exists?

Boost Sandbox

When boost was developed using subversion, the Boost Sandbox contained 
unreviewed code that is intended to eventually become a part of the Boost 
libraries. New libraries should be developed separately as  
<https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/ModularBoost> git modules, and existing 
projects should be  <https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/ExtractSandbox> 
moved to GitHub. The sandbox remains as a historical record.

Accessing the Boost Sandbox

The Boost Sandbox lives at  <https://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox> 
https://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox within the old Boost Subversion 





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