From: "Kevin S. Van Horn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Peter Dimov write:
> > Throwing an exception from BOOST_ASSERT is undesired behavior. I don't
> > want it as a standard option.
> Except that, in the case I pointed out, it sometimes is desired behavior
> and the Right Thing(tm) to do.  One aborts an entire subcomputation /
> transaction rather than aborting the entire program.  I expect this to be
> the norm, not the exception (pardon the pun), for enterprise information
> systems.

I don't agree. Globally turning asserts into throws at the flip of a switch
is never the Right Thing(tm) to do. To handle this transition, the code
needs to be designed with it in mind. Otherwise the approach is, at best, a
hack: throw an exception and hope for the best.

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