On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 03:46:07PM +0000, Alisdair Meredith wrote:
> Pavol Droba wrote:
> To pick on a function at random...
> >    Seq ltrim( const Seq& Input, const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() )
> Why the default to std::locale?
> In typical use, I expect Seq to be an instantiation of
> std::basic_string.  Given this is a string library, what motivation is
> there to support other containers?  If none, then why not default to
> locale of the string-type?
Library is about the string operations, but I see no reason to limit them to
basic_string. In many occasions these functions can be used with other containers
as well.

But I can provide specialization for basic_string which will use its default locale.
Would this be sufficient for you? 


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