On Monday, November 18, 2002, at 04:46 AM, Robert Ramey wrote:

From: Matthias Troyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I believe we all agree that portable binary archive formats are
essential in addition to the text based one.
I will be very curious to see timings on this. There is no apriori reason to know
that the translation from native types <-> XDR is faster than native types <-> text
It may well be very platform dependent.
It is timings for transfer via networks interconnects, where bandwidth is an issue. Also with parallel I/O to file servers where all parallel machines I've ever used slowed down a a lot when 200-500 CPUs wrote their serialized data at the same time. I don't want to aggravate that by using larger files.

Will someone please write and submit a derivative that stores the data
using XDR?

Ill do that immediately, once the code compiles with g++ v3.x .
I know that others have used g++ 3.1 with only a couple of minor
problems. When advised of these, I made changes to accommodate
them. Also it compiles clean with gcc 2.95 so I would be very surprised
if there is a problem wit g++ 3.x. I did get one report of problems but
more information was required. Please let me know of any compile
errors with this platform. Also all the tests and demos should run.
No one test/demo covers everything. Also I will try with MSVC 6
in the next few days and resolve that issue.
I will tell you the problems, maybe your input can help me get it to compile.

template<class T>
inline boost::basic_iarchive & operator>>(boost::basic_iarchive &ar, T

I am confused by that answer. Could you please elaborate?
The main syntatical mechanism for appending, extracting a data item from an archive

ar << data;


ar >> data.

These are realized with the following two templates:

template<class T>
inline boost::basic_iarchive & operator>>(boost::basic_iarchive &ar, T &t){
template<class T>
inline boost::basic_iarchive & operator>>(boost::basic_iarchive &ar, T &t){

which are coded to handle all types of data types, pointers, arrays, enums, etc....and
invoke the lower level functions/templates that handle nested types and structures.

Now suppose your only consideration is to minimize the time required to save/load an array
of doubles. Protability and text readability is of no concern in this example.

overriding the very general template definiations above for this special case would result in

template<class T>
inline boost::basic_iarchive & operator>>(boost::basic_iarchive &ar, double & x[]){
ar.read_binary(x, sizeof(x));
template<class T>
inline boost::basic_oarchive & operator<<(boost::basic_oarchive &ar, const T &t){
ar.write_binary(x, sizeof(x));

this skips the whole serialization system and just blasts the data in/out
No, that is not what I meant. I want to optimize reading/writing of a std::vector<double> for SOME types of archives only for which an optimized save/load is possible. That is e.g. not for a text or XML archive but only for binary archives. In your proposal this could only be done by a run time type check, a dynamic_cast to a derived optimized class and then calling a member function of that derived class. This is much more naturally done through additional virtual function for writing arrays of primitive data types.

Best regards,


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